Title 48

PART 1837

Part 1837 - Service Contracting

PART 1837 - SERVICE CONTRACTING Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:62 FR 4472, Jan. 30, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1837.1
Subpart 1837.1 - Service Contracts - General
48: 1837.101
   1837.101 Definitions.
48: 1837.104
   1837.104 Personal services contracts. (NASA supplements paragraph (b))
48: 1837.110
   1837.110 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
48: 1837.110-70
   1837.110-70 NASA solicitation provision and contract clauses.
48: 1837.170
   1837.170 Pension portability.
48: 1837.2
Subpart 1837.2 - Advisory and Assistance Services
48: 1837.203
   1837.203 Policy.
48: 1837.203-70
   1837.203-70 Providing contractors access to sensitive information.
48: 1837.203-71
   1837.203-71 Release of contractors' sensitive information.
48: 1837.203-72
   1837.203-72 NASA contract clauses.