Title 48

PART 1830

Part 1830 - Cost Accounting Standards Administration

PART 1830 - COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:61 FR 55767, Oct. 29, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1830.70
Subpart 1830.70 - Facilities Capital Employed for Facilities in Use and For Facilities Under Construction
48: 1830.7001
   1830.7001 Facilities capital employed for facilities in use.
48: 1830.7001-1 - 1830.7001-3
   1830.7001-1--1830.7001-3 [Reserved]
48: 1830.7001-4
   1830.7001-4 Postaward FCCOM applications.
48: 1830.7002
   1830.7002 Facilities capital employed for facilities under construction.
48: 1830.7002-1
   1830.7002-1 Definitions.
48: 1830.7002-2
   1830.7002-2 Cost of money calculations.
48: 1830.7002-3
   1830.7002-3 Representative investment calculations.
48: 1830.7002-4
   1830.7002-4 Determining imputed cost of money.