Title 45


Appendix E to Part 1355 - Data Standards

45: : Appendix E

Appendix E to Part 1355 - Data Standards Link to an amendment published at 81 FR 90584, Dec. 14, 2016. This amendment was delayed until Oct. 1, 2020, at 83 FR 42225, Aug. 21, 2018. This amendment was further delayed until Oct. 1, 2022, at 85 FR 28410, May 12, 2020.

All data submissions will be evaluated to determine the completeness and internal consistency of the data. Four types of assessments will be conducted on both the foster care and adoption data submissions. The results of these assessments will determine the applicability of a substantial noncompliance determination with the title IV-E plan.

The four types of assessments are:

• Comparisons of the detailed data to summary data;

• Internal consistency checks of the detailed data;

• An assessment of the status of missing data; and

• Timeliness, an assessment of how current the submitted data are.

A. Foster Care 1. Summary Data Elements Submission Standards

A summary file must accompany the Detailed Data Elements submission. Both transmissions must be sent through electronic means (see appendix C for details). This summary will be used to verify basic counts of records on the detailed data received.

a. The summary file must be a discrete file separate from the semi-annual reporting period detailed data file. The record layout for the summary file is included in appendix D. section A.2.c. All data must be included. If the value for a numeric field is zero, zero must be entered.

b. The Department will develop a second summary file by computing the values from the detailed data file received from the title IV-E agency. The two summary files (the one submitted by the title IV-E agency and the one created during Federal processing) will be compared, field by field. If the two files match, further validation of the detailed data elements will commence. If the two summary files do not match, we will assume that there has been an error in transmission and will request a retransmission from the title IV-E agency within 24 hours of the time the title IV-E agency has been notified. In addition, a log of these occurrences will be kept as a means of cataloging problems and offering suggestions on improved procedures.

2. Detailed Data File Submission Standards

a. Internal Consistency Validations.

Internal consistency validations involve evaluating the logical relationships between data elements in a detailed record. For example, a child cannot be discharged from foster care before he or she has been removed from his or her home. Thus, the Date of Latest Removal From Home data element must be a date prior to the Date of Discharge. If this is not the case, an internal inconsistency will be detected and an “error” indicated in the detailed data file.

A number of data elements have “if applicable” contingency relationships with other data elements in the detailed record. For example, if the Foster Family Structure has only a single parent, then the appropriate sex of the Single Female/Male element in the “Year of Birth” and “Race/Origin” elements must be completed and the “non-applicable” fields for these elements are to be filled with zero's or, for dates, left blank.

The internal consistency validations that will be performed on the foster care detailed data are as follows:

(1) The Local Agency must be the county or a county equivalent unit which has responsibility for the case. The 5 digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) or other ACF assigned code must be used.

(2) If Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21) is less than nine months prior to the Report Period Ending Date (Element 2) then the Date of Most Recent Periodic Review (Element 5) may be left blank.

(3) If Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21) is greater than nine months from Report Date (Element 2) then the Date of Most Recent Periodic Review (Element 5) must not be more than nine months prior to the Report Date (Element 2).

(4) If a child is identified as having a disability(ies) (Element 10), at least one Type of Disability Condition (Elements 11-15) must be indicated. Enter a zero (0) for disabilities that do not apply.

(5) If the Total Number of Removals From Home to Date (Element 19) is one (1), the Date Child was Discharged From Last Foster Care Episode (Element 20) must be blank.

(6) If the Total Number of Removals From Home to Date (Element 19) is two or more, then the Date Child was Discharged From Last Foster Care Episode (Element 20) must not be blank.

(7) If Date Child was Discharged From Last Foster Care Episode (Element 20) exists, then this date must be a date prior to the Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21).

(8) The Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21) must be prior to the Date of Placement in Current Foster Care Setting (Element 23).

(9) At least one element between elements 26 and 40 must be answered by selecting a “1”. Enter a zero (0) for conditions that do not apply.

(10) If Current Placement Setting (Element 41) is a value that indicates that the child is not in a foster family or a pre-adoptive home, then elements 49-55 must be zero (0).

(11) At least one element between elements 59 and 65 must be answered by selecting a “1”. Enter a zero for sources that do not apply.

(12) If the answer to the question, “Has this child ever been adopted?” (Element 16) is “1” (Yes), then the question, “How old was the child when the adoption was legalized?” (Element 17) must have an answer from “1” to “5.”

(13) If the Date of Most Recent Periodic Review (Element 5) is not blank, then Manner of Removal From Home for Current Placement Episode (Element 25) cannot be option 3, “Not Yet Determined.”

(14) If Reason for Discharge (Element 58) is option 3, “Adoption,” then Parental Rights Termination dates (Elements 46 and 47) must not be blank.

(15) If the Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21) is present, the Date of Latest Removal From Home Transaction Date (Element 22) must be present and must be later than or equal to the Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21).

(16) If the Date of Discharge From Foster Care (Element 56) is present, the Date of Discharge From Foster Care Transaction Date (Element 57) must be present and must be later than or equal to the Date of Discharge From Foster Care (Element 56).

(17) If the Date of Discharge From Foster Care (Element 56) is present, it must be after the Date of Latest Removal From Home (Element 21).

(18) In Elements 8, 52, and 54, race categories (“a” through “e”) and “f. Unable to Determine” cannot be coded “0,” for it does not apply. If any of the race categories apply and are coded as “1” then “f. Unable to Determine” cannot also apply.

b. Out-of-Range Standards.

Out-of-range standards relate to the occurrence of values in response to data elements that exceed, either positively or negatively, the acceptable range of responses to the question. For example, if the acceptable responses to the element, Sex of the Adoptive Child, is “1” for a male and “2” for a female, but the datum provided in the element is “3,” this represents an out-of-range response situation.

Out-of-range comparisons will be made for all elements. The acceptable values are described in Appendix A, Section I.

3. Missing Data Standards

The term “missing data” refers to instances where data for an element are required but are not present in the submission. Data elements with values of “Unable to Determine,” “Not Yet Determined” or which are not applicable, are not considered missing.

a. In addition, the following situations will result in converting data values to a missing data status:

(1) Data elements whose values fail internal consistency validations as outlined in A.2.a.(1)-(18) above, and

(2) Data elements whose values are out-of-range.

b. The maximum amount of allowable missing data is dependent on the data elements as described below:

(1) No Missing Data.

The data for the elements listed below must be present in all records in the submission. If any record contains missing data for any of these elements, the entire submission will be considered missing and processing will not proceed.

Element No. Element name
01 Title IV-E agency.
02 Report date.
03 Local agency FIPS code or other ACF assigned code.
04 Record number.