Title 40


Subpart MM - Standards of Performance for Automobile and Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations Source:45 FR 85415, Dec. 24, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

40: 60.390
   60.390 Applicability and designation of affected facility.
40: 60.391
   60.391 Definitions.
40: 60.392
   60.392 Standards for volatile organic compounds.
40: 60.393
   60.393 Performance test and compliance provisions.
40: 60.394
   60.394 Monitoring of emissions and operations.
40: 60.395
   60.395 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
40: 60.396
   60.396 Reference methods and procedures.
40: 60.397
   60.397 Modifications.
40: 60.398
   60.398 Innovative technology waivers.