Title 40

PART 211

Part 211 - Product Noise Labeling

PART 211 - PRODUCT NOISE LABELING Source:44 FR 56127, Sept. 28, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 211.101
   211.101 Applicability.
40: 211.102
   211.102 Definitions.
40: 211.103
   211.103 Number and gender.
40: 211.104
   211.104 Label content.
40: 211.105
   211.105 Label format.
40: 211.106
   211.106 Graphical requirements.
40: 211.107
   211.107 Label type and location.
40: 211.108
   211.108 Sample label.
40: 211.109
   211.109 Inspection and monitoring.
40: 211.110
   211.110 Exemptions.
40: 211.110-1
   211.110-1 Testing exemption.
40: 211.110-2
   211.110-2 National security exemptions.
40: 211.110-3
   211.110-3 Export exemptions.
40: 211.111
   211.111 Testing by the Administrator.
40: B
Subpart B - Hearing Protective Devices
40: 211.201
   211.201 Applicability.
40: 211.202
   211.202 Effective date.
40: 211.203
   211.203 Definitions.
40: 211.204
   211.204 Hearing protector labeling requirements.
40: 211.204-1
   211.204-1 Information content of primary label.
40: 211.204-2
   211.204-2 Primary label size, print and color.
40: 211.204-3
   211.204-3 Label location and type.
40: 211.204-4
   211.204-4 Supporting information.
40: 211.205
   211.205 Special claims.
40: 211.206
   211.206 Methods for measurement of sound attenuation.
40: 211.206-1
   211.206-1 Real ear method.
40: 211.206-2
   211.206-2 Alternative test data.
40: 211.206-3 - 211.206-10
   211.206-3--211.206-10 Alternative test methods. [Reserved]
40: 211.207
   211.207 Computation of the noise reduction rating (NRR).
40: 211.208
   211.208 Export provisions.
40: 211.210
   211.210 Requirements.
40: 211.210-1
   211.210-1 General requirements.
40: 211.210-2
   211.210-2 Labeling requirements.
40: 211.211
   211.211 Compliance with labeling requirement.
40: 211.212
   211.212 Compliance audit testing.
40: 211.212-1
   211.212-1 Test request.
40: 211.212-2
   211.212-2 Test hearing protector selection.
40: 211.212-3
   211.212-3 Test hearing protector preparation.
40: 211.212-4
   211.212-4 Testing procedures.
40: 211.212-5
   211.212-5 Reporting of test results.
40: 211.212-6
   211.212-6 Determination of compliance.
40: 211.212-7
   211.212-7 Continued compliance testing.
40: 211.212-8
   211.212-8 Relabeling requirements.
40: 211.213
   211.213 Remedial orders for violations of these regulations.
40: 211.214
   211.214 Removal of label.
40: 0
40: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 211 - Compliance Audit Testing Report