Title 40

PART 135

Part 135 - Prior Notice Of Citizen Suits

PART 135 - PRIOR NOTICE OF CITIZEN SUITS Authority:Subpart A, issued under Sec. 505, Clean Water Act, as amended 1987; Sec. 504, Pub. L. 100-4; 101 Stat. 7 (33 U.S.C. 1365). Subpart B, issued under Sec. 1449, Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300j-8). Source:38 FR 15040, June 7, 1973, unless otherwise noted.

40: A
Subpart A - Prior Notice Under the Clean Water Act
40: 135.1
   135.1 Purpose.
40: 135.2
   135.2 Service of notice.
40: 135.3
   135.3 Contents of notice.
40: 135.4
   135.4 Service of complaint.
40: 135.5
   135.5 Service of proposed consent judgment.
40: B
Subpart B - Prior Notice Under the Safe Drinking Water Act
40: 135.10
   135.10 Purpose.
40: 135.11
   135.11 Service of notice.
40: 135.12
   135.12 Contents of notice.
40: 135.13
   135.13 Timing of notice.