Title 36

PART 902

Part 902 - Freedom Of Information Act

PART 902 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Authority:5 U.S.C. 552; 52 FR 10012-10019 (March 27, 1987); E.O. 12600, 52 FR 23781 (June 23, 1987). Source:41 FR 43143, Sept. 30, 1976, unless otherwise noted.

36: A
Subpart A - Applicability and Policy
36: 902.01
   902.01 Purpose and applicability.
36: 902.02
   902.02 Statement of policy.
36: 902.03
   902.03 Definitions.
36: B
Subpart B - General Administration
36: 902.10
   902.10 Delegation of administration of this part.
36: 902.11
   902.11 How records may be requested.
36: 902.12
   902.12 Maintenance of statistics; annual report to Congress.
36: 902.13
   902.13 Indexes of Corporation records.
36: 902.14
   902.14 Deletion of nondiscloseable information from requested records.
36: 902.15
   902.15 Protection of records.
36: C
Subpart C - Publication in the Federal Register
36: 902.20
   902.20 Applicability.
36: 902.21
   902.21 Publication in the Federal Register shall be constructive notice of information that affects the public.
36: D
Subpart D - Availability of Records Not Published in the Federal Register
36: 902.30
   902.30 Applicability.
36: 902.31
   902.31 Access, inspection and copying.
36: E
Subpart E - Availability of Reasonably Described Records
36: 902.40
   902.40 Applicability.
36: 902.41
   902.41 Public access to reasonably described records.
36: 902.42
   902.42 Request for records of concern to more than one government organization.
36: F
Subpart F - Exemptions From Public Access to Corporation Records
36: 902.50
   902.50 Applicability.
36: 902.51
   902.51 Records relating to matters that are required by Executive order to be kept secret.
36: 902.52
   902.52 Records related solely to internal personnel rules and practices.
36: 902.53
   902.53 Records exempted from disclosure by statute.
36: 902.54
   902.54 Trade secrets and commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential.
36: 902.55
   902.55 Intragovernmental exchanges.
36: 902.56
   902.56 Protection of personal privacy.
36: 902.57
   902.57 Investigatory files compiled for law enforcement purposes.
36: 902.58
   902.58 Reports of financial institutions.
36: 902.59
   902.59 Geological and geophysical information.
36: G
Subpart G - Time Limitations
36: 902.60
   902.60 Initial determination.
36: 902.61
   902.61 Final determination.
36: 902.62
   902.62 Extension of time limits.
36: H
Subpart H - Procedures for Administrative Appeal of Decisions Not To Disclose Records
36: 902.70
   902.70 General.
36: 902.71
   902.71 Forms for appeal.
36: 902.72
   902.72 Time limitations on filing an appeal.
36: 902.73
   902.73 Where to appeal.
36: 902.74
   902.74 Agency decision.
36: I
Subpart I - Fees
36: 902.80
   902.80 General.
36: 902.81
   902.81 Payment of fees.
36: 902.82
   902.82 Fee schedule.
36: 902.83
   902.83 Waiver or reduction of fees.