Title 36

PART 401

Part 401 - Monuments And Memorials

PART 401 - MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS Authority:36 U.S.C 2105; 36 U.S.C. 2106 Source:70 FR 32490, June 3, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

36: 401.1
   401.1 Purpose.
36: 401.2
   401.2 Applicability and scope.
36: 401.3
   401.3 Background.
36: 401.4
   401.4 Responsibility.
36: 401.5
   401.5 Control and supervision of materials, design, and building.
36: 401.6
   401.6 Approval by National Commission of Fine Arts.
36: 401.7
   401.7 Cooperation with other than Government entities.
36: 401.8
   401.8 Requirement for Commission approval.
36: 401.9
   401.9 Evaluation criteria.
36: 401.10
   401.10 Monument Trust Fund Program.
36: 401.11
   401.11 Demolition criteria.