Title 36


Subpart A - Miscellaneous Land Uses Authority:7 U.S.C. 1011; 16 U.S.C. 518, 551, 678a; Pub. L. 76-867, 54 Stat. 1197.

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Natural Resources Control
36: 251.9
   251.9 Management of Municipal Watersheds.
36: 251.10
   251.10 Prohibition of location of mining claims within certain areas in the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve, South Dakota.
36: 251.11
   251.11 Governing mining locations under the mining laws of the United States within that portion of the Black Hills National Forest, State of South Dakota, designated as the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve.
36: 251.14
   251.14 Conditions, rules and regulations to govern exercise of timber rights reserved in conveyance to the United States.
36: 251.15
   251.15 Conditions, rules and regulations to govern exercise of mineral rights reserved in conveyances to the United States.
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Rights of Grantors
36: 251.17
   251.17 Grantor's right to occupy and use lands conveyed to the United States.
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   251.18 Rights-of-way reserved by the grantor on lands conveyed to the United States.
36: 251.19
   251.19 Exercise of water rights reserved by the grantor of lands conveyed to the United States.
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Designation of Areas
36: 251.23
   251.23 Experimental areas and research natural areas.
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Petersburg Watershed
36: 251.35
   251.35 Petersburg watershed.