Title 31

PART 353

Part 353 - Regulations Governing Definitive United States Savings Bonds, Series Ee And Hh

PART 353 - REGULATIONS GOVERNING DEFINITIVE UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS, SERIES EE AND HH Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 12 U.S.C. 391; 31 U.S.C. 3105, 3125. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 353 appear at 79 FR 8859, Feb. 14, 2014. Source:44 FR 76441, Dec. 26, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

31: A
Subpart A - General Information
31: 353.0
   353.0 Applicability.
31: 353.1
   353.1 Official agencies.
31: 353.2
   353.2 Definitions.
31: 353.3
   353.3 Converting definitive savings bonds to book-entry bonds in TreasuryDirect®.
31: B
Subpart B - Registration
31: 353.5
   353.5 General rules.
31: 353.6
   353.6 Restrictions on registration.
31: 353.7
   353.7 Authorized forms of registration.
31: 353.8
   353.8 Chain letters prohibited.
31: C
Subpart C - Limitations on Annual Purchases
31: 353.10
   353.10 Amounts which may be purchased.
31: 353.11
   353.11 Computation of amount.
31: 353.12
   353.12 Disposition of excess.
31: 353.13
   353.13 Employee plans - Conditions of eligibility.
31: D
Subpart D - Limitations on Transfer or Pledge
31: 353.15
   353.15 Transfer.
31: 353.16
   353.16 Pledge.
31: E
Subpart E - Judicial Proceedings
31: 353.20
   353.20 General.
31: 353.21
   353.21 Payment to judgment creditors.
31: 353.22
   353.22 Payment or reissue pursuant to judgment.
31: 353.23
   353.23 Evidence.
31: 353.24
   353.24 Payment pursuant to judicial or administrative forfeiture.
31: F
Subpart F - Relief for Loss, Theft, Destruction, Mutilation, Defacement, or Nonreceipt of Bonds
31: 353.25
   353.25 General.
31: 353.26
   353.26 Application for relief - After receipt of bond.
31: 353.27
   353.27 Application for relief - Non-receipt of bond.
31: 353.28
   353.28 Recovery or receipt of bond before or after relief is granted.
31: 353.29
   353.29 Adjudication of claims.
31: G
Subpart G - Interest
31: 353.30
   353.30 Series EE bonds.
31: 353.31
   353.31 Series HH bonds.
31: H
Subpart H - General Provisions for Payment
31: 353.35
   353.35 Payment (redemption).
31: 353.36
   353.36 Payment during life of sole owner.
31: 353.37
   353.37 Payment during lives of both coowners.
31: 353.38
   353.38 Payment during lifetime of owner of beneficiary bond.
31: 353.39
   353.39 Surrender for payment.
31: 353.40
   353.40 Special provisions for payment.
31: 353.41
   353.41 Partial redemption.
31: 353.42
   353.42 Nonreceipt or loss of check issued in payment.
31: 353.43
   353.43 Effective date of request for payment.
31: 353.44
   353.44 Withdrawal of request for payment.
31: I
Subpart I - Reissue and Denominational Exchange
31: 353.45
   353.45 General.
31: 353.46
   353.46 Effective date of request for reissue.
31: 353.47
   353.47 Authorized reissue - during lifetime.
31: 353.48
   353.48 Restrictions on reissue.
31: 353.49
   353.49 Correction of errors.
31: 353.50
   353.50 Change of name.
31: 353.51
   353.51 Requests for reissue.
31: J
Subpart J - Certifying Officers
31: 353.55
   353.55 Individuals authorized to certify.
31: 353.56
   353.56 General instructions and liability.
31: 353.57
   353.57 When a certifying officer may not certify.
31: 353.58
   353.58 Forms to be certified.
31: K
Subpart K - Minors, Incompetents, Aged Persons, Absentees, et al.
31: 353.60
   353.60 Payment to representative of an estate.
31: 353.61
   353.61 Payment after death.
31: 353.62
   353.62 Payment to minors.
31: 353.63
   353.63 Payment to a parent or other person on behalf of a minor.
31: 353.64
   353.64 Payment, reinvestment, or exchange - voluntary guardian of an incapacitated person.
31: 353.65
   353.65 Reissue.
31: L
Subpart L - Deceased Owner, Coowner or Beneficiary
31: 353.70
   353.70 General rules governing entitlement.
31: 353.71
   353.71 Decedent's estate.
31: 353.72
   353.72 [Reserved]
31: M
Subpart M - Fiduciaries
31: 353.75
   353.75 Payment or reissue during the existence of the fiduciary estate.
31: 353.76
   353.76 Payment or reissue after termination of the fiduciary estate.
31: 353.77
   353.77 Exchanges by fiduciaries.
31: N
Subpart N - Private Organizations (Corporations, Associations, Partnerships, et cetera) and Governmental Agencies, Units and Officers
31: 353.80
   353.80 Payment to corporations or unincorporated associations.
31: 353.81
   353.81 Payment to partnerships.
31: 353.82
   353.82 Reissue or payment to successors of corporations, unincorporated associations, or partnerships.
31: 353.83
   353.83 Reissue or payment on dissolution of corporation or partnership.
31: 353.84
   353.84 Payment to certain institutions.
31: 353.85
   353.85 Reissue in name of trustee or agent for reinvestment purposes.
31: 353.86
   353.86 Reissue upon termination of investment agency.
31: 353.87
   353.87 Payment to governmental agencies, units, or their officers.
31: O
Subpart O - Escheat and Unclaimed Property Claims by States
31: 353.88
   353.88 Payment to a State claiming title to abandoned bonds.
31: P
Subpart P - Miscellaneous Provisions
31: 353.90
   353.90 Waiver of regulations.
31: 353.91
   353.91 Additional requirements; bond of indemnity.
31: 353.92
   353.92 Supplements, amendments, or revisions.