Title 29


Part 16 - Equal Access To Justice Act

PART 16 - EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT Authority:Pub. L. 96-481, 94 Stat. 2327 (5 U.S.C. 504). Source:46 FR 63021, Dec. 29, 1981, unless otherwise noted.

29: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
29: 16.101
   16.101 Purpose of these rules.
29: 16.102
   16.102 Definitions.
29: 16.103
   16.103 When the Act applies.
29: 16.104
   16.104 Proceedings covered.
29: 16.105
   16.105 Eligibility of applicants.
29: 16.106
   16.106 Standards for awards.
29: 16.107
   16.107 Allowable fees and expenses.
29: 16.108
   16.108 Awards against other agencies.
29: B
Subpart B - Information Required From Applicants
29: 16.201
   16.201 Contents of application.
29: 16.202
   16.202 Net worth exhibit.
29: 16.203
   16.203 Documentation of fees and expenses.
29: 16.204
   16.204 When an application may be filed.
29: C
Subpart C - Procedures for Considering Applications
29: 16.301
   16.301 Filing and service of documents.
29: 16.302
   16.302 Answer to application.
29: 16.303
   16.303 Settlement.
29: 16.304
   16.304 Further proceedings.
29: 16.305
   16.305 Decision.
29: 16.306
   16.306 Review by the Secretary.
29: 16.307
   16.307 Judicial review.
29: 16.308
   16.308 Payment of award.