Title 29


Subpart C - Procedure Under Section 10(A) to (I) of the Act for the Prevention of Unfair Labor Practices Source:82 FR 11754, Feb. 24, 2017, unless otherwise noted.

29: 102.9
   102.9 Who may file; withdrawal and dismissal.
29: 102.10
   102.10 Where to file.
29: 102.11
   102.11 Signature; sworn; declaration.
29: 102.12
   102.12 Contents.
29: 102.13
   102.13 [Reserved]
29: 102.14
   102.14 Service of charge.
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   102.15 When and by whom issued; contents; service.
29: 102.16
   102.16 Hearing; change of date or place.
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   102.17 Amendment.
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   102.18 Withdrawal.
29: 102.19
   102.19 Appeal to the General Counsel from refusal to issue or reissue.
29: 102.20
   102.20 Answer to complaint; time for filing; contents; allegations not denied deemed admitted.
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   102.21 Where to file; service upon the parties; form.
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   102.22 Extension of time for filing.
29: 102.23
   102.23 Amendment.
29: 102.24
   102.24 Motions; where to file; contents; service on other parties; promptness in filing and response; default judgment procedures; summary judgment procedures.
29: 102.25
   102.25 Ruling on motions.
29: 102.26
   102.26 Motions; rulings and orders part of the record; rulings not to be appealed directly to the Board without special permission; requests for special permission to appeal.
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   102.27 Review of granting of motion to dismiss entire complaint; reopening of the record.
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   102.28 Filing of answer or other participation in proceedings not a waiver of rights.
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   102.29 Intervention; requisites; rulings on motions to intervene.
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   102.30 Depositions; examination of witnesses.
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   102.31 Issuance of subpoenas; petitions to revoke subpoenas; rulings on claim of privilege against self-incrimination; subpoena enforcement proceedings; right to inspect or copy data.
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   102.32 Payment of witness fees and mileage; fees of officer who transcribes deposition or video testimony.
29: 102.33
   102.33 Transfer of charge and proceeding from Region to Region; consolidation of proceedings in same Region; severance.
29: 102.34
   102.34 Who will conduct hearing; public unless otherwise ordered.
29: 102.35
   102.35 Duties and powers of Administrative Law Judges; stipulations of cases to Administrative Law Judges or to the Board; assignment and powers of settlement judges.
29: 102.36
   102.36 Disqualification and unavailability of Administrative Law Judges.
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   102.37 [Reserved]
29: 102.38
   102.38 Rights of parties.
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   102.39 Rules of evidence controlling so far as practicable.
29: 102.40
   102.40 Stipulations of fact admissible.
29: 102.41
   102.41 Objection to conduct of hearing; how made; objections not waived by further participation.
29: 102.42
   102.42 Filings of briefs and proposed findings with the Administrative Law Judge and oral argument at the hearing.
29: 102.43
   102.43 Continuance and adjournment.
29: 102.44
   102.44 [Reserved]
29: 102.45
   102.45 Administrative Law Judge's decision; contents of record; alternative dispute resolution program.
29: 102.46
   102.46 Exceptions and brief in support; answering briefs to exceptions; cross-exceptions and brief in support; answering briefs to cross-exceptions; reply briefs; failure to except; oral argument; filing requirements; amicus curiae briefs.
29: 102.47
   102.47 Filing of motion after transfer of case to Board.
29: 102.48
   102.48 No exceptions filed; exceptions filed; motions for reconsideration, rehearing, or reopening the record.
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   102.49 Modification or setting aside of Board order before record filed in court; action thereafter.
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   102.50 Hearings before the Board or a Board Member.
29: 102.51
   102.51 Settlement or adjustment of issues.
29: 102.52
   102.52 Compliance with Board order; notification of compliance determination.
29: 102.53
   102.53 Appeal of compliance determination to the General Counsel; General Counsel's action; request for review by the Board; Board action; opposition to appeal or request for review.
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   102.54 Issuance of compliance specification; consolidation of complaint and compliance specification.
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   102.55 Contents of compliance specification.
29: 102.56
   102.56 Answer to compliance specification.
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   102.57 Extension of date of hearing.
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   102.58 Withdrawal of compliance specification.
29: 102.59
   102.59 Hearing and posthearing procedures.