Title 25


Subpart F - Non-BIA Annual Self-Governance Compacts and Funding Agreements

25: 76
25: 1000.120
   1000.120 What is the purpose of this subpart
25: 1000.121
   1000.121 What is an annual funding agreement for a non-BIA program
25: 77
25: 1000.122
   1000.122 What non-BIA programs are eligible for inclusion in an annual funding agreement
25: 1000.123
   1000.123 Are there non-BIA programs for which the Secretary must negotiate for inclusion in an AFA subject to such terms as the parties may negotiate
25: 1000.124
   1000.124 What programs are included under Section 403(b)(2) of the Act
25: 1000.125
   1000.125 What programs are included under Section 403(c)
25: 1000.126
   1000.126 What does “special geographic, historical or cultural” mean
25: 1000.127
   1000.127 Under Section 403(b)(2), when must programs be awarded non-competitively
25: 1000.128
   1000.128 Is there a contracting preference for programs of special geographic, historical, or cultural significance
25: 1000.129
   1000.129 Are there any programs that may not be included in an AFA
25: 1000.130
   1000.130 Does a Tribe/Consortium need to be identified in an authorizing statute in order for a program or element of a program to be included in a non-BIA AFA
25: 1000.131
   1000.131 Will Tribes/Consortia participate in the Secretary's determination of what is to be included on the annual list of available programs
25: 1000.132
   1000.132 How will the Secretary consult with Tribes/Consortia in developing the list of available programs
25: 1000.133
   1000.133 What else is on the list in addition to eligible programs
25: 1000.134
   1000.134 May a bureau negotiate with a Tribe/Consortium for programs not specifically included on the annual section 405(c) list
25: 1000.135
   1000.135 How will a bureau negotiate an annual funding agreement for a program of special geographic, historical, or cultural significance to more than one Tribe
25: 1000.136
   1000.136 When will this determination be made
25: 78
25: 1000.137
   1000.137 What funds are included in an AFA
25: 1000.138
   1000.138 How are indirect cost rates determined
25: 1000.139
   1000.139 Will the established indirect cost rates always apply to new AFAs
25: 1000.140
   1000.140 How does the Secretary determine the amount of indirect contract support costs
25: 1000.141
   1000.141 Is there a predetermined cap or limit on indirect cost rates or a fixed formula for calculating indirect cost rates
25: 1000.142
   1000.142 Instead of the negotiated indirect cost rate, is it possible to establish a fixed amount or another negotiated rate for indirect costs where funds are limited
25: 79
Other Terms and Conditions
25: 1000.143
   1000.143 May the bureaus negotiate terms to be included in an AFA for non-Indian programs
25: 80
Reallocation, Duration, and Amendments
25: 1000.144
   1000.144 Can a Tribe reallocate funds for a non-BIA non-Indian program
25: 1000.145
   1000.145 Do Tribes/Consortia need Secretarial approval to reallocate funds between Title-I eligible programs that the Tribe/Consortium administers under a non-BIA AFA
25: 1000.146
   1000.146 Can a Tribe/Consortium negotiate an AFA with a non-BIA bureau for which the performance period exceeds one year
25: 1000.147
   1000.147 Can the terms and conditions in a non-BIA AFA be amended during the year it is in effect
25: 1000.148
   1000.148 What happens if an AFA expires before the effective date of the successor AFA