Title 25


Subpart D - Other Financial Assistance for Planning and Negotiation Grants for Non-BIA Programs

25: 70
Purpose and Eligibility
25: 1000.60
   1000.60 What is the purpose of this subpart
25: 1000.61
   1000.61 Are other funds available to self-governance Tribes/Consortia for planning and negotiating with non-BIA bureaus
25: 71
Eligibility and Application Process
25: 1000.62
   1000.62 Who can apply to OSG for grants to plan and negotiate non-BIA programs
25: 1000.63
   1000.63 Under what circumstances may planning and negotiation grants be awarded to Tribes/Consortia
25: 1000.64
   1000.64 How does the Tribe/Consortium know when and how to apply to OSG for a planning and negotiation grant
25: 1000.65
   1000.65 What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support
25: 1000.66
   1000.66 What must be included in the application
25: 1000.67
   1000.67 How will the Director award planning and negotiation grants
25: 1000.68
   1000.68 May non-BIA bureaus provide technical assistance to a Tribe/Consortium in drafting its planning grant application
25: 1000.69
   1000.69 How can a Tribe/Consortium obtain comments or selection documents received or utilized after OSG has made a decision on a planning grant application
25: 1000.70
   1000.70 What criteria will the Director use to rank the applications and how many maximum points can be awarded for each criterion
25: 1000.71
   1000.71 Can an applicant appeal a decision not to award a grant
25: 1000.72
   1000.72 Will OSG notify Tribes/Consortia and affected non-BIA bureaus of the results of the selection process
25: 1000.73
   1000.73 Once a Tribe/Consortium has been awarded a grant, may the Tribe/Consortium obtain information from a non-BIA bureau