Title 22


Subpart B - Collection

22: 1506.9
   1506.9 What does a collection action entail
22: 1506.10
   1506.10 What information is included in a written demand for payment
22: 1506.11
   1506.11 May I request a review of the existence or amount of a claim
22: 1506.12
   1506.12 What happens if my debt becomes past due
22: 1506.13
   1506.13 How are interest, penalty, and administrative costs determined
22: 1506.14
   1506.14 Does interest accrue during the period pending waiver or review
22: 1506.15
   1506.15 Does USADF contract with other agencies for collection services
22: 1506.16
   1506.16 Does USADF report delinquent debts to consumer reporting agencies
22: 1506.17
   1506.17 For what purposes may USADF use my mailing address
22: 1506.18
   1506.18 Will USADF suspend or revoke my financial assistance or other privileges if I fail to pay my debt
22: 1506.19
   1506.19 May I pay my debt in installments