Title 22


Subpart A - General

22: 1006.100
   1006.100 What does this part do
22: 1006.105
   1006.105 Does this part apply to me
22: 1006.110
   1006.110 What is the purpose of the nonprocurement debarment and suspension system
22: 1006.115
   1006.115 How does an exclusion restrict a person's involvement in covered transactions
22: 1006.120
   1006.120 May we grant an exception to let an excluded person participate in a covered transaction
22: 1006.125
   1006.125 Does an exclusion under the nonprocurement system affect a person's eligibility for Federal procurement contracts
22: 1006.130
   1006.130 Does exclusion under the Federal procurement system affect a person's eligibility to participate in nonprocurement transactions
22: 1006.135
   1006.135 May the Inter-American Foundation exclude a person who is not currently participating in a nonprocurement transaction
22: 1006.140
   1006.140 How do I know if a person is excluded
22: 1006.145
   1006.145 Does this part address persons who are disqualified, as well as those who are excluded from nonprocurement transactions