Title 22

PART 512

Part 512 - Collection Of Debts Under The Debt Collection Act Of 1982

PART 512 - COLLECTION OF DEBTS UNDER THE DEBT COLLECTION ACT OF 1982 Authority:31 U.S.C. 3701; 31 U.S.C. 3711 et seq.; 5 U.S.C. 5514; 4 CFR Parts 101-105; 5 CFR Part 550. Source:52 FR 43897, Nov. 17, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

22: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
22: 512.1
   512.1 Definitions.
22: 512.2
   512.2 Exceptions.
22: 512.3
   512.3 Use of procedures.
22: 512.4
   512.4 Conformance to law and regulations.
22: 512.5
   512.5 Other procedures.
22: 512.6
   512.6 Informal action.
22: 512.7
   512.7 Return of property.
22: 512.8
   512.8 Omissions not a defense.
22: B
Subpart B - Administrative Offset and Referral to Collection Agencies
22: 512.9
   512.9 Demand for payment.
22: 512.10
   512.10 Collection by administrative offset.
22: 512.11
   512.11 Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
22: 512.12
   512.12 Collection in installments.
22: 512.13
   512.13 Exploration of compromise.
22: 512.14
   512.14 Suspending or terminating collection action.
22: 512.15
   512.15 Referrals to the Department of Justice or the General Accounting Office.
22: 512.16
   512.16 Collection services.
22: C
Subpart C - Salary Offset
22: 512.17
   512.17 Purpose.
22: 512.18
   512.18 Scope.
22: 512.19
   512.19 Definitions.
22: 512.20
   512.20 Notification.
22: 512.21
   512.21 Hearing.
22: 512.22
   512.22 Deduction from pay.
22: 512.23
   512.23 Liquidation from final check or recovery from other payment.
22: 512.24
   512.24 Non-waiver of rights by payments.
22: 512.25
   512.25 Refunds.
22: 512.26
   512.26 Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.
22: 512.27
   512.27 Recovery when paying agency is not creditor agency.
22: D
Subpart D - Interest, Penalties, and Administrative Costs
22: 512.28
   512.28 Assessment.
22: 512.29
   512.29 Exemptions.