Title 20

PART 367

Part 367 - Recovery Of Debts Owed To The United States Government By Administrative Offset

PART 367 - RECOVERY OF DEBTS OWED TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFSET Authority:45 U.S.C. 231f(b)(5); 31 U.S.C. 3716. Source:56 FR 46375, Sept. 12, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

20: 367.1
   367.1 Purpose and scope.
20: 367.2
   367.2 Past-due legally enforceable debt.
20: 367.3
   367.3 Board responsibilities.
20: 367.4
   367.4 Notification to another agency.
20: 367.5
   367.5 Notification to debtor.
20: 367.6
   367.6 Consideration of evidence.
20: 367.7
   367.7 Change in notification to another government agency.
20: 367.8
   367.8 Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.