Title 20


Subpart B - One-Stop Partners and the Responsibilities of Partners

20: 662.200
   662.200 Who are the required One-Stop partners
20: 662.210
   662.210 What other entities may serve as One-Stop partners
20: 662.220
   662.220 What entity serves as the One-Stop partner for a particular program in the local area
20: 662.230
   662.230 What are the responsibilities of the required One-Stop partners
20: 662.240
   662.240 What are a program's applicable core services
20: 662.250
   662.250 Where and to what extent must required One-Stop partners make core services available
20: 662.260
   662.260 What services, in addition to the applicable core services, are to be provided by One-Stop partners through the One-Stop delivery system
20: 662.270
   662.270 How are the costs of providing services through the One-Stop delivery system and the operating costs of the system to be funded
20: 662.280
   662.280 Does title I require One-Stop partners to use their funds for individuals who are not eligible for the partner's program or for services that are not authorized under the partner's program