Title 20


Subpart C - Local Governance Provisions

20: 661.300
   661.300 What is the Local Workforce Investment Board
20: 661.305
   661.305 What is the role of the Local Workforce Investment Board
20: 661.307
   661.307 How does the Local Board meet its requirement to conduct business in an open manner under the “sunshine provision” of WIA section 117(e)
20: 661.310
   661.310 Under what limited conditions may a Local Board directly be a provider of core services, intensive services, or training services, or act as a One-Stop Operator
20: 661.315
   661.315 Who are the required members of the Local Workforce Investment Boards
20: 661.317
   661.317 Who may be selected to represent a particular One-Stop partner program on the Local Board when there is more than one partner program entity in the local area
20: 661.320
   661.320 Who must chair a Local Board
20: 661.325
   661.325 What criteria will be used to establish the membership of the Local Board
20: 661.330
   661.330 Under what circumstances may the State use an alternative entity as the Local Workforce Investment Board
20: 661.335
   661.335 What is a youth council, and what is its relationship to the Local Board
20: 661.340
   661.340 What are the responsibilities of the youth council
20: 661.345
   661.345 What are the requirements for the submission of the local workforce investment plan
20: 661.350
   661.350 What are the contents of the local workforce investment plan
20: 661.355
   661.355 When must a local plan be modified