Title 20


Subpart B - State Governance Provisions

20: 661.200
   661.200 What is the State Workforce Investment Board
20: 661.203
   661.203 What is meant by the terms “optimum policy making authority” and “expertise relating to [a] program, service or activity”
20: 661.205
   661.205 What is the role of the State Board
20: 661.207
   661.207 How does the State Board meet its requirement to conduct business in an open manner under the “sunshine provision” of WIA section 111(g)
20: 661.210
   661.210 Under what circumstances may the Governor select an alternative entity in place of the State Workforce Investment Board
20: 661.220
   661.220 What are the requirements for the submission of the State Workforce Investment Plan
20: 661.230
   661.230 What are the requirements for modification of the State Workforce Investment Plan
20: 661.240
   661.240 How do the unified planning requirements apply to the five-year strategic WIA and Wagner-Peyser plan and to other Department of Labor plans
20: 661.250
   661.250 What are the requirements for designation of local workforce investment areas
20: 661.260
   661.260 What are the requirements for automatic designation of workforce investment areas relating to units of local government with a population of 500,000 or more
20: 661.270
   661.270 What are the requirements for temporary and subsequent designation of workforce investment areas relating to areas that had been designated as service delivery areas under JTPA
20: 661.280
   661.280 What right does an entity have to appeal the Governor's decision rejecting a request for designation as a workforce investment area
20: 661.290
   661.290 Under what circumstances may States require Local Boards to take part in regional planning activities