Title 18

PART 284

Part 284 - Certain Sales And Transportation Of Natural Gas Under The Natural Gas Policy Act Of 1978 And Related Authorities

PART 284 - CERTAIN SALES AND TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS UNDER THE NATURAL GAS POLICY ACT OF 1978 AND RELATED AUTHORITIES Authority:15 U.S.C. 717-717z, 3301-3432; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 43 U.S.C. 1331-1356. Source:Order 46, 44 FR 52184, Sept. 7, 1979, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 284 appear at 65 FR 10222, Feb. 25, 2000.

18: A
Subpart A - General Provisions and Conditions
18: 284.1
   284.1 Definitions.
18: 284.2
   284.2 Refunds and interest.
18: 284.3
   284.3 Jurisdiction under the Natural Gas Act.
18: 284.4
   284.4 Reporting.
18: 284.5
   284.5 Further terms and conditions.
18: 284.6
   284.6 Rate interpretations.
18: 284.7
   284.7 Firm transportation service.
18: 284.8
   284.8 Release of firm capacity on interstate pipelines.
18: 284.9
   284.9 Interruptible transportation service.
18: 284.10
   284.10 Rates.
18: 284.11
   284.11 Environmental compliance.
18: 284.12
   284.12 Standards for pipeline business operations and communications.
18: 284.13
   284.13 Reporting requirements for interstate pipelines.
18: 284.14
   284.14 Posting requirements of major non-interstate pipelines.
18: 284.15
   284.15 Bidding by affiliates in open seasons for pipeline capacity.
18: B
Subpart B - Certain Transportation by Interstate Pipelines
18: 284.101
   284.101 Applicability.
18: 284.102
   284.102 Transportation by interstate pipelines.
18: 284.103-284.106
   284.103-284.106 [Reserved]
18: C
Subpart C - Certain Transportation by Intrastate Pipelines
18: 284.121
   284.121 Applicability.
18: 284.122
   284.122 Transportation by intrastate pipelines.
18: 284.123
   284.123 Rates and charges.
18: 284.124
   284.124 Terms and conditions.
18: 284.125
   284.125 [Reserved]
18: 284.126
   284.126 Reporting requirements.
18: D
Subpart D - Certain Sales by Intrastate Pipelines
18: 284.141
   284.141 Applicability.
18: 284.142
   284.142 Sales by intrastate pipelines.
18: 284.143-284.148
   284.143-284.148 [Reserved]
18: E
Subparts E-F [Reserved]
18: G
Subpart G - Blanket Certificates Authorizing Certain Transportation by Interstate Pipelines on Behalf of Others and Services by Local Distribution Companies
18: 284.221
   284.221 General rule; transportation by interstate pipelines on behalf of others.
18: 284.222
   284.222 [Reserved]
18: 284.223
   284.223 Transportation by interstate pipelines on behalf of shippers.
18: 284.224
   284.224 Certain transportation and sales by local distribution companies.
18: 284.225-284.226
   284.225-284.226 [Reserved]
18: 284.227
   284.227 Certain transportation by intrastate pipelines.
18: H
Subpart H [Reserved]
18: I
Subpart I - Emergency Natural Gas Sale, Transportation, and Exchange Transactions
18: 284.261
   284.261 Purpose.
18: 284.262
   284.262 Definitions.
18: 284.263
   284.263 Exemption from section 7 of Natural Gas Act and certain regulatory conditions.
18: 284.264
   284.264 Terms and conditions.
18: 284.265
   284.265 Cost recovery by interstate pipeline.
18: 284.266
   284.266 Rates and charges for interstate pipelines.
18: 284.267
   284.267 Intrastate pipeline emergency transportation rates.
18: 284.268
   284.268 Local distribution company emergency transportation rates.
18: 284.269
   284.269 Intrastate pipeline and local distribution company emergency sales rates.
18: 284.270
   284.270 Reporting requirements.
18: 284.271
   284.271 Waiver.
18: J
Subpart J - Blanket Certificates Authorizing Certain Natural Gas Sales by Interstate Pipelines
18: 284.281
   284.281 Applicability.
18: 284.282
   284.282 Definitions.
18: 284.283
   284.283 Point of unbundling.
18: 284.284
   284.284 Blanket certificates for unbundled sales services.
18: 284.285
   284.285 Pregrant of abandonment of unbundled sales services.
18: 284.286
   284.286 Standards of conduct for unbundled sales service.
18: 284.287
   284.287 Implementation and effective date.
18: 284.288
   284.288 Code of conduct for unbundled sales service.
18: K
Subpart K - Transportation of Natural Gas on the Outer Continental Shelf by Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines on Behalf of Others
18: 284.301
   284.301 Applicability.
18: 284.302
   284.302 Definitions.
18: 284.303
   284.303 OCS blanket certificates.
18: L
Subpart L - Certain Sales for Resale by Non-interstate Pipelines
18: 284.401
   284.401 Definitions.
18: 284.402
   284.402 Blanket marketing certificates.
18: 284.403
   284.403 Code of conduct for persons holding blanket marketing certificates.
18: M
Subpart M - Applications for Market-Based Rates for Storage
18: 284.501
   284.501 Applicability.
18: 284.502
   284.502 Procedures for applying for market-based rates.
18: 284.503
   284.503 Market-power determination.
18: 284.504
   284.504 Standard requirements for market-power authorizations.
18: 284.505
   284.505 Market-based rates for storage providers without a market-power determination.