Title 15

PART 917

Part 917 - National Sea Grant Program Funding Regulations

PART 917 - NATIONAL SEA GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING REGULATIONS Authority:Pub. L. 94-461, 90 Stat. 1961 (33 U.S.C. 1121 et seq.). Source:43 FR 15307, Apr. 11, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

15: A
Subpart A - General
15: 917.1
   917.1 Basic provisions.
15: 917.2
   917.2 Definitions.
15: B
Subpart B - Sea Grant Matched Funding Program
15: 917.10
   917.10 General.
15: 917.11
   917.11 Guidelines for Sea Grant Fellowships.
15: C
Subpart C - National Projects
15: 917.20
   917.20 General.
15: 917.21
   917.21 National needs and problems.
15: 917.22
   917.22 National Projects funding.
15: D
Subpart D - International Cooperation Assistance
15: 917.30
   917.30 General.
15: E
Subpart E - General Considerations Pertaining to Sea Grant Funding
15: 917.40
   917.40 General.
15: 917.41
   917.41 Application guidance for Sea Grant funding.
15: 917.42
   917.42 Categories of support available for the conducting of Sea Grant activities.
15: 917.43
   917.43 Terms and conditions of Sea Grant funding.