Title 15

PART 296

Part 296 - Technology Innovation Program

PART 296 - TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PROGRAM Authority:15 U.S.C. 278n (Pub. L. 110-69 section 3012) Source:73 FR 35915, June 25, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

15: A
Subpart A - General
15: 296.1
   296.1 Purpose.
15: 296.2
   296.2 Definitions.
15: 296.3
   296.3 Types of assistance available.
15: 296.4
   296.4 Limitations on assistance.
15: 296.5
   296.5 Eligibility requirements for companies and joint ventures.
15: 296.6
   296.6 Valuation of transfers.
15: 296.7
   296.7 Joint venture registration.
15: 296.8
   296.8 Joint venture agreement.
15: 296.9
   296.9 Activities not permitted for joint ventures.
15: 296.10
   296.10 Third party in-kind contribution of research services.
15: 296.11
   296.11 Intellectual property rights and procedures.
15: 296.12
   296.12 Reporting and auditing requirements.
15: B
Subpart B - The Competition Process
15: 296.20
   296.20 The selection process.
15: 296.21
   296.21 Evaluation criteria.
15: 296.22
   296.22 Award criteria.
15: C
Subpart C - Dissemination of Program Results
15: 296.30
   296.30 Monitoring and evaluation.
15: 296.31
   296.31 Dissemination of results.
15: 296.32
   296.32 Technical and educational services.
15: 296.33
   296.33 Annual report.