Title 14


Subpart A - Financial Responsibility for Licensed and Permitted Activities

14: 440.1
   440.1 Scope of part.
14: 440.3
   440.3 Definitions.
14: 440.5
   440.5 General.
14: 440.7
   440.7 Determination of maximum probable loss.
14: 440.9
   440.9 Insurance requirements for licensed or permitted activities.
14: 440.11
   440.11 Duration of coverage for licensed launch, including suborbital launch, or permitted activities; modifications.
14: 440.12
   440.12 Duration of coverage for licensed reentry; modifications.
14: 440.13
   440.13 Standard conditions of insurance coverage.
14: 440.15
   440.15 Demonstration of compliance.
14: 440.17
   440.17 Reciprocal waiver of claims requirements.
14: 440.19
   440.19 United States payment of excess third-party liability claims.