Title 14

PART 420

Part 420 - License To Operate A Launch Site

PART 420 - LICENSE TO OPERATE A LAUNCH SITE Authority:51 U.S.C. 50901-50923. Source:Docket No. FAA-1999-5833, 65 FR 62861, Oct. 19, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

14: A
Subpart A - General
14: 420.1
   420.1 General.
14: 420.3
   420.3 Applicability.
14: 420.5
   420.5 Definitions.
14: 420.6-420.14
   420.6-420.14 [Reserved]
14: B
Subpart B - Criteria and Information Requirements for Obtaining a License
14: 420.15
   420.15 Information requirements.
14: 420.17
   420.17 Bases for issuance of a license.
14: 420.19
   420.19 Launch site location review - general.
14: 420.21
   420.21 Launch site location review - launch site boundary.
14: 420.23
   420.23 Launch site location review - flight corridor.
14: 420.25
   420.25 Launch site location review - risk analysis.
14: 420.27
   420.27 Launch site location review - information requirements.
14: 420.29
   420.29 Launch site location review for unproven launch vehicles.
14: 420.30
   420.30 Launch site location review for permitted launch vehicles.
14: 420.31
   420.31 Agreements.
14: 420.32-420.40
   420.32-420.40 [Reserved]
14: C
Subpart C - License Terms and Conditions
14: 420.41
   420.41 License to operate a launch site - general.
14: 420.43
   420.43 Duration.
14: 420.45
   420.45 Transfer of a license to operate a launch site.
14: 420.47
   420.47 License modification.
14: 420.49
   420.49 Compliance monitoring.
14: D
Subpart D - Responsibilities of a Licensee
14: 420.51
   420.51 Responsibilities - general.
14: 420.53
   420.53 Control of public access.
14: 420.55
   420.55 Scheduling of launch site operations.
14: 420.57
   420.57 Notifications.
14: 420.59
   420.59 Launch site accident investigation plan.
14: 420.61
   420.61 Records.
14: 420.63
   420.63 Explosive siting.
14: 420.65
   420.65 Separation distance requirements for handling division 1.1 and 1.3 explosives.
14: 420.66
   420.66 Separation distance requirements for storage of hydrogen peroxide, hydrazine, and liquid hydrogen and any incompatible energetic liquids stored within an intraline distance.
14: 420.67
   420.67 Separation distance requirements for handling incompatible energetic liquids that are co-located.
14: 420.69
   420.69 Separation distance requirements for co-location of division 1.1 and 1.3 explosives with liquid propellants.
14: 420.70
   420.70 Separation distance measurement requirements.
14: 420.71
   420.71 Lightning protection.
14: 0
14: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 420 - Method for Defining a Flight Corridor
14: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 420 - Method for Defining a Flight Corridor
14: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 420 - Risk Analysis
14: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Part 420 - Impact Dispersion Areas and Casualty Expectancy Estimate for an Unguided Suborbital Launch Vehicle
14: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Part 420 - Tables for Explosive Site Plan