Title 12


Part 16 - Securities Offering Disclosure Rules

PART 16 - SECURITIES OFFERING DISCLOSURE RULES Authority:12 U.S.C. 1 et seq., 93a, 1462a, 1463, 1464, and 5412(b)(2)(B). Source:59 FR 54798, Nov. 2, 1994, unless otherwise noted.

12: 16.1
   16.1 Authority, purpose, and scope.
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   16.2 Definitions.
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   16.3 Registration statement and prospectus requirements.
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   16.4 Communications not deemed an offer.
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   16.5 Exemptions.
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   16.6 Sales of nonconvertible debt.
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   16.7 Nonpublic offerings.
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   16.8 Small issues.
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   16.9 Securities offered and sold in holding company dissolution.
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   16.10 Sales of securities at an office of a Federal savings association.
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   16.15 Form and content.
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   16.16 Effectiveness.
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   16.17 Filing requirements and inspection of documents.
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   16.18 Use of prospectus.
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   16.19 Withdrawal or abandonment.
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   16.30 Request for interpretive advice or no-objection letter.
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   16.31 Escrow requirement.
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   16.32 Fraudulent transactions and unsafe or unsound practices.
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   16.33 Filing fees.