Title 1


Subpart B - Disclosure of Records and Information Under the Freedom of Information Act Source:83 FR 19415, May 2, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

1: 426.201
   426.201 General.
1: 426.202
   426.202 Proactive disclosures.
1: 426.203
   426.203 Requirements for making requests.
1: 426.204
   426.204 Responsibility for responding to requests.
1: 426.205
   426.205 Timing of responses to requests.
1: 426.206
   426.206 Response to requests.
1: 426.207
   426.207 Confidential commercial information.
1: 426.208
   426.208 Appeals.
1: 426.209
   426.209 Preservation of records.
1: 426.210
   426.210 Fees.
1: 426.211
   426.211 Other rights and services.