Title 7


Subpart B - Business and Industry Loans Link to an amendment published at 85 FR 42518, July 14, 2020. Source:81 FR 36005, June 3, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

7: 4279.101
   4279.101 Introduction.
7: 4279.102
   4279.102 Definitions and abbreviations.
7: 4279.103
   4279.103 Exception authority.
7: 4279.104
   4279.104 Appeals.
7: 4279.105-4279.107
   4279.105-4279.107 [Reserved]
7: 4279.108
   4279.108 Eligible borrowers.
7: 4279.109-4279.112
   4279.109-4279.112 [Reserved]
7: 4279.113
   4279.113 Eligible uses of funds.
7: 4279.114
   4279.114 [Reserved]
7: 4279.115
   4279.115 Cooperative stock/cooperative equity.
7: 4279.116
   4279.116 New Markets Tax Credit program.
7: 4279.117
   4279.117 Ineligible purposes and entity types.
7: 4279.118
   4279.118 [Reserved]
7: 4279.119
   4279.119 Loan guarantee limits.
7: 4279.120
   4279.120 Fees and charges.
7: 4279.121-4279.124
   4279.121-4279.124 [Reserved]
7: 4279.125
   4279.125 Interest rates.
7: 4279.126
   4279.126 Loan terms.
7: 4279.127-4279.130
   4279.127-4279.130 [Reserved]
7: 4279.131
   4279.131 Credit quality.
7: 4279.132
   4279.132 Personal and corporate guarantees.
7: 4279.133-4279.135
   4279.133-4279.135 [Reserved]
7: 4279.136
   4279.136 Insurance.
7: 4279.137
   4279.137 Financial statements.
7: 4279.138-4279.143
   4279.138-4279.143 [Reserved]
7: 4279.144
   4279.144 Appraisals.
7: 4279.145-4279.149
   4279.145-4279.149 [Reserved]
7: 4279.150
   4279.150 Feasibility studies.
7: 4279.151-4279.160
   4279.151-4279.160 [Reserved]
7: 4279.161
   4279.161 Filing preapplications and applications.
7: 4279.162
   4279.162 Strategic economic and community development.
7: 4279.163-4279.164
   4279.163-4279.164 [Reserved]
7: 4279.165
   4279.165 Evaluation of application.
7: 4279.166
   4279.166 Loan priority scoring.
7: 4279.167
   4279.167 Planning and performing development.
7: 4279.168
   4279.168 Timeframe for processing applications.
7: 4279.169-4279.172
   4279.169-4279.172 [Reserved]
7: 4279.173
   4279.173 Loan approval and obligating funds.
7: 4279.174
   4279.174 Transfer of lenders.
7: 4279.175-4279.179
   4279.175-4279.179 [Reserved]
7: 4279.180
   4279.180 Changes in borrower.
7: 4279.181
   4279.181 Conditions precedent to issuance of the Loan Note Guarantee.
7: 4279.182-4279.186
   4279.182-4279.186 [Reserved]
7: 4279.187
   4279.187 Refusal to execute Loan Note Guarantee.
7: 4279.188-4279.189
   4279.188-4279.189 [Reserved]
7: 4279.190
   4279.190 Business and Industry national COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Loans.
7: 4279.191-4279.199
   4279.191-4279.199 [Reserved]
7: 4279.200
   4279.200 OMB control number.