Title 7


Part 6 - Import Quotas And Fees


For United States International Trade Commission regulations on investigations of effects of imports on agricultural programs, see 19 CFR part 204.

7: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
7: 6.2
   6.2 Responsibility for actions under section 22 and section 8(a).
7: 6.3
   6.3 Requests by interested persons for action by Department of Agriculture.
7: 6.4
   6.4 Investigations.
7: 6.5
   6.5 Hearings under section 22.
7: 6.6
   6.6 Submission of recommendations under section 22.
7: 6.7
   6.7 Submission of recommendations under section 8(a) (emergency treatment).
7: 6.8
   6.8 Representation at Tariff Commission hearings.
7: 6.9
   6.9 Information.
7: B
Subpart B - Dairy Tariff-Rate Quota Import Licensing
7: 6.20
   6.20 Introduction.
7: 6.21
   6.21 Definitions.
7: 6.22
   6.22 Requirement for a license.
7: 6.23
   6.23 Eligibility to apply for a license.
7: 6.24
   6.24 Application for a license.
7: 6.25
   6.25 Allocation of licenses.
7: 6.26
   6.26 Surrender and reallocation.
7: 6.27
   6.27 Limitations on use of license.
7: 6.28
   6.28 Transfer of license.
7: 6.29
   6.29 Use of licenses.
7: 6.30
   6.30 Record maintenance and inspection.
7: 6.31
   6.31 Debarment and suspension.
7: 6.32
   6.32 Globalization of licenses.
7: 6.33
   6.33 License fee.
7: 6.34
   6.34 Adjustment of appendices.
7: 6.35
   6.35 Correction of errors.
7: 6.36
   6.36 Miscellaneous.
7: C
Subpart C - Price-Undercutting of Domestic Cheese by Quota Cheeses
7: 6.40
   6.40 General.
7: 6.41
   6.41 Definitions.
7: 6.42
   6.42 Complaints of price-undercutting.
7: 6.43
   6.43 Determinations.
7: 6.44
   6.44 Delegation of authority.